Monday, March 13, 2006

Yeah... I've Got a Lot to Say so Far

And, if you believe that... well... thanks.

It's going to take me awhile to start feeling like posting here regularly is part of my routine. I'm sure it will take even longer before I feel like I've got some kind of voice, or that I'm writing anything worth reading. Ask some of my friends, and they'll tell you that will probably never happen.

Yeah... I love my friends.

Still, I feel like I'm typing just to type right now. It seems like I'm wasting time... mine by doing this and yours, if you're actually reading this drivel. I'd apologize, but you are here by your own choice so....

Thanks for stopping by. If you're brave - or dumb - enough to come back again, maybe I'll have something more interesting for you next time. But I wouldn't count on it.

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