Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Random Pictures from Dublin

So... I've just been going through some of the photos on my camera and thought I'd throw something different up here.

These are just some cool lights.
I'm not sure what I did to get this shot, but I like it.

I get rainbows like this outside my office almost every day.
That's what happens when it rains almost every day.

Another view from my office.
The view doesn't suck.

The Liffey.
I really like the lighting in this shot.

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ain't Wasting No More Time

OK... that's a big fat lie, and I'd like to apologize to the Allman Brothers. In fact, all I'm doing right now is wasting time.

It's a Friday afternoon on the start of a long holiday (St. Paddy's Day) weekend here in Dublin and things are quiet. My team is working on the stuff they need to be working on, and I've cleaned most of the day's minutia off my desk. Sure, there are things I should probably be focusing on at the moment, but I'm putting them aside for a few minutes of "me" time. (Wow... that sounded much more new-agey than I expected. At least no one reads this drivel, so it doesn't matter.)

Anyway... the weather is typical Ireland. Gray, overcast with a chance of yet more crappiness to come. If I was a cynic (ahem) I'd say I know why the Irish like to drink. Still, I can still see the ocean from my office and I guess that's not all bad.

It's been awhile, and there are things I should probably talk about in this blog but... it's been awhile and none of those things probably means all that much anymore. I should probably make another promise to be more diligent in my posting, but we all know that's not going to happen either so... maybe I'll just log on once in awhile to ramble for my own amusement. Or not. It doesn't really matter.

That said... and if anyone is actually reading this, there are few people on the web who are worth reading like the degenerates at Poker From the Rail. I could probably post more links to more folks... and I will... but I have to give you people a reason to possibly come back here sometime.

Now back to that work thing.