Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I had a few minutes of downtime earlier and had the chance to look over my recent posts. Granted, it didn't take too long, since there's not much here, but that's another story.

Anyway, after a cursory glance I quickly noticed a seemingly disturbing trend, which is that I seem to be constantly dissing Dublin. Yes, it's true this is not the most thrilling place I've ever lived, but to be honest, it's not the worst either (ahem, Medina).

Also, and equally disturbing, is that fact that my recent posts all seem to circulate around the fact that I'm working a lot, drinking (on occasion), and playing cards. It seems, at least on the surface, that I'm falling into a rut.

So, with that in mind, I'm giving you, my faithful reader, this opportunity. Tell me what you'd like to know about Dublin*. Is there something about this fair city you've always been intrigued by? Is there a person whom you'd like to know more about? Throw your suggestions my way,and I'll make it a mission to go out and find out what I can on your behalf.

Who knows what fun we can have?

*Sorry Bill, but I'm going to have exclude you from participating... this is still a family friendly (sort of) blog.


Fawn said...

Please to find out about the Dublin Writers Museum for me.

I'm counting on you to have a list of things I must see and do. You have six months. Go.

Jay Finnigan said...

Please find out why my people must fight...and where is that irish spring soap factory?

JK said...

J -

Your people must fight because of this stuff called Guinness. When imbibed by itself - or in conjunction with this other stuff, called whiskey, they go from gregarious to, well, not so gregarious.

Also, because it's fucking cold here and the fighting keeps them warm.

As for the factory... I'm still looking.