Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Coming Up for Air

I know, I know - I post as often as pandas mate. Many would say as successfully, as well, but that's another conversation for another day.

Still, I'm here now, so I'm going to ramble for just a few. First, the Dublin update. It still rains. A lot. It's also very windy. There's lots of drinking, book-ended by very long hours at work. Sometimes I play poker.

Basically, things are normal.

I did recently manage to break up the normal routine and get to London for a weekend for a family event. The occasion? The naming of my newest cousin, Alexandra.

Not only was it nice to see some family, but it was nice to go to a real city. I didn't really take part in any particularly Londonish activities while I was there, but the difference in energy levels between London and Dublin is palpable, even when you're just walking down the street. Londoners have purpose. They move as if they have an actual destination to reach - and as if they actually want to reach it. Dubliners don't do this. Don't get me wrong... the sidewalks here are flooded, especially on a rare sunny afternoon. It's just that Dubliners like to stand around, look at windows, and enjoy a good pint. Or 12.

Speaking of purpose (and yes, this is a horrible transition), I should mention that much of my time at work lately has been dedicated to some of our latest promotions for the World Series of Poker and, more importantly (at least in my opinion), driving sign-ups for the Poker Players Alliance. If you play the game and aren't a member, you should join. And not just because you can get a bonus if you do.

Now that that's out of my system, I'll leave you with this - a link to Full Tilt Poker's new commercials. They're pretty cool, and I hope you enjoy them.

That's it... I'm done for now.

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