Thursday, November 09, 2006

...And There Was Much Rejoicing

Yes, believe it or not, people here in Dublin town did in fact follow yesterday's U.S. elections. And yes, there really was much rejoicing over the fact that Bush and his cronies had their collective asses handed to them by the general public.

To tell the truth, I was really surprised by how enthusiastic people over here were over the election results. As someone in a local card room said last night, "It's not that Americans are stupid, they're just fucking gullible. It's about time they got it right." For my part, I did point out that not all of us were deceived by the Republicans, but overall, I can't completely disagree with the assessment. I mean, we may not have really elected W to office either time, but we certainly didn't provide his opponents with strong enough margins that they could effectively argue that he stole the elections.

Anyway... all that aside, I happily raised a pint (OK, maybe two or three) to the American voters last night. And really, when was the last time any of us could say that?

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