Monday, May 29, 2006

I'm Not Dead Yet

I've just been taking a really long nap. OK, that's not true either, but it sounds a whole lot better than saying that I've just been too busy/lazy to write anything new, which is much closer to the truth. Of course, intermittent Internet connection issues haven't helped the cause either, but that's just an excuse.

Still, I figure I should write something. So, without further ado, here's a quick update. It's thrilling, I know.
  • I went to Phil Gordon's Put a Bad Beat on Cancer party at the White Lotus in Hollywood last week. It was a good evening out to help a very worthy cause. Aside from hanging out with some of my co-workers, I got to watch some very good professionals like Annie Duke and Layne Flack lose the shirts off their backs to some very lucky amateurs.

    What's more, being a Hollywood party, I got to meet some very cool celebrities, including two of my favorite actors, Hank Azaria and Josh Malina. My favorite moment of the night, however, came when I introduced myself to Annie and told her that I worked with her brother Howard. Her response - "Oh, you're part of the evil empire that's trying to ruin my life. My respone - "Why yes I am. It's nice to meet you." You've gotta love it.
  • I've begun the slow and relatively painful process of sorting through all of my stuff in preparation for my next big, life-changing move. If you know what I'm talking about already, all I can tell you is that I don't know when I'm packing up, but August is looking like a safe bet. For those of you who may not have heard, I can't go into details here. Drop me an email though, and I'll be happy to fill you in.

  • I actually went out and hit golf balls the other day. It's been way too long since I've picked up a club, and to tell the truth, I was pleasantly surprised. My game may not have deteriorated to total crap - although, it was never much more than that to start with. I'm looking forward to hitting the links a lot more in the near future and may even invest in some new clubs. Exciting, ain't it?

  • My friend Andrew Cohen started a great new blog covering all sorts of fascinating legal issues and the big cases of the day. I guess that's no real surprise, since he makes much of his living by working as the legal analyst for CBS News. He's definitely worth a read.
Alright - that's the short and sweet update. It's warm and sunny here in LA, as it's supposed to be, and I have the day off, so I'm getting away from the computer again.

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