Sunday, October 07, 2007

The Road to Hell

If it's really paved in good intentions, then I'm cruising down four lanes of freshly paved blacktop in a '67 Coupe de Ville convertible with the top down, a pint of Jack Daniels, and Elvis cranking on the stereo.

But hey, at least I'm enjoying the ride.

If you're a frequent visitor to this page (and really, why would you be), you'll know that I haven't posted much of anything recently. My bad. It's just that, well... oh... it doesn't really matter.

Anyway, here's the quick rundown of what's going on:
  • I'm still in Dublin
  • Dublin is still, for the most part, cold, rainy, and dull
  • Work is still taking up a huge part of my time
  • I've done a good amount of travelling over the past few months, including visits to London (work), Rome (vacation), and Berlin/Hamburg (work)
  • I've got a bunch of photos from various trips and things that I'll get around to posting one day soon
  • I'm planning a trip back to the States for Thanksgiving
  • I actually did something fun last night and went to see the Police at Croke Park here in Dublin (they rocked, by the way)
  • Oh... and I'm 40
About that last one, all I can say is "Yikes". I mean, really, how the fuck did I get to be this old? I mean, I don't feel 40, and honestly, it's just not right. But that's neither here nor there, as there's really nothing I can do about the situation and, let's face it, being 40 is certainly better than the alternative. And, considering my past, I'll take that any day of the week.

So, yes this is a new post in a newly formatted blog. Whether it's the first of many remains to be seen. I don't make resolutions, so I'm not going to promise anything about the frequency of my posts. I'll try to do more, but there's a wide open highway in front of me and I've got a lot of driving left to do.


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