Wednesday, March 21, 2007

SEO What

This is a shameless plug, but I will be playing in the SEO Poker Tournament on Saturday March 24th at 9:00 PM GMT.

That is all.

Saturday, March 10, 2007

Oz & the Lucky Horseshoe

Last night, there was a reunion of sorts in DunDrum.

At about 8PM, we gathered at Henry & Sofia's for the return of Murderer's Row. Now, this is actually a bigger deal than it may seem, as this once weekly game has truly disintegrated since the move across the pond. So, it was with no small amount of anticipation that we gathered for the usual evening of drinking and donking around the stolen FTP poker tables.

To be perfectly honest, the game wasn't quite the same as the old Murderer's Row games of old. Many of the regulars were there; me, Henry, Sofia, Wampler, and Ephro. Many, however, were not, including Shyam, Franklin, and Facty (all in Venice for the weekend), Hanel, Lance, Ryan, and Speaker (all back in the states), and Rini (off playing with the monkeys in Gib).

To make up for the missing murderers, we supplemented the field with a number of guest players, including Ernest, Jeremy, Jose, and Oz, who probably wished he hadn't shown up at all. That's because he fell victim to the horseshoe that is, according to Mr. Bill, firmly planted up my ass.

Per my usual form, I played reasonably well throughout the tourney section of the evening, but fell out of contention before reaching the money. Nothing terribly new there. And, per my usual form, I ran over the post-tourney cash game. More specifically, I ran over Oz in the cash game. Or, to be even more precise, I hammered him over the head with the horseshoe.

The first bit of bad luck Oz ran into occurred fairly early on when I pulled what may have been the most brutal suckout of the evening. I limped into the pot holding 4-5 of spades, and hit middle pair on a flop of K-5-3. I bet and Oz called. The turn brought a 6, giving me the up and down draw, and giving Oz top two pair. I bet, he raised, and I donkishly called. The river brought another 5, giving me trips and the pot. Horseshoe 1, Oz 0.

A few hands later, we clashed again. This time, I got into the hand with 4-8 in the big blind. I flopped a gutshot with a board of 5-7-A. Ernest and I both checked the flop, and Oz bet out. Ernest called, giving me reasonable enough odds to call for my 6, which I promptly hit on the turn. Again, the action went check, check, bet. Ernest folded, and I flat called.

The river was a blank. I checked, Oz jammed, and I called, taking down the hand. At this point, the tilt was setting in. Oz remained civil, as he is want to do, but you could tell that his "Nice hand sir" actually meant "You fucking donkey." Horseshoe 2, Oz 0.

A re-buy later and Oz was back in the game. Things were pretty quiet for the next few orbits until Oz and I hooked up one last time for the night. This time, all the money went in pre-flop as Oz raised and re-raised from the button with Aces. Thinking I was making a move, Oz came back over the top and I called his all-in. As the money is being pushed toward the center, Oz says "I just have a pair", and turns up pocket Kings. "I've got a pair too" I say, turning up the bullets.

Horseshoe 3, Oz 0.

I tried to explain to Oz that there was nothing he could have done differently throughout the night. I just run well at Henry's game. Still, I don't think he wants to know of past history - he just wants to get even against me. I'm sure he'll have his chances. He just better hope I forget the horseshoe.

Wednesday, March 07, 2007


I had a few minutes of downtime earlier and had the chance to look over my recent posts. Granted, it didn't take too long, since there's not much here, but that's another story.

Anyway, after a cursory glance I quickly noticed a seemingly disturbing trend, which is that I seem to be constantly dissing Dublin. Yes, it's true this is not the most thrilling place I've ever lived, but to be honest, it's not the worst either (ahem, Medina).

Also, and equally disturbing, is that fact that my recent posts all seem to circulate around the fact that I'm working a lot, drinking (on occasion), and playing cards. It seems, at least on the surface, that I'm falling into a rut.

So, with that in mind, I'm giving you, my faithful reader, this opportunity. Tell me what you'd like to know about Dublin*. Is there something about this fair city you've always been intrigued by? Is there a person whom you'd like to know more about? Throw your suggestions my way,and I'll make it a mission to go out and find out what I can on your behalf.

Who knows what fun we can have?

*Sorry Bill, but I'm going to have exclude you from participating... this is still a family friendly (sort of) blog.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Coming Up for Air

I know, I know - I post as often as pandas mate. Many would say as successfully, as well, but that's another conversation for another day.

Still, I'm here now, so I'm going to ramble for just a few. First, the Dublin update. It still rains. A lot. It's also very windy. There's lots of drinking, book-ended by very long hours at work. Sometimes I play poker.

Basically, things are normal.

I did recently manage to break up the normal routine and get to London for a weekend for a family event. The occasion? The naming of my newest cousin, Alexandra.

Not only was it nice to see some family, but it was nice to go to a real city. I didn't really take part in any particularly Londonish activities while I was there, but the difference in energy levels between London and Dublin is palpable, even when you're just walking down the street. Londoners have purpose. They move as if they have an actual destination to reach - and as if they actually want to reach it. Dubliners don't do this. Don't get me wrong... the sidewalks here are flooded, especially on a rare sunny afternoon. It's just that Dubliners like to stand around, look at windows, and enjoy a good pint. Or 12.

Speaking of purpose (and yes, this is a horrible transition), I should mention that much of my time at work lately has been dedicated to some of our latest promotions for the World Series of Poker and, more importantly (at least in my opinion), driving sign-ups for the Poker Players Alliance. If you play the game and aren't a member, you should join. And not just because you can get a bonus if you do.

Now that that's out of my system, I'll leave you with this - a link to Full Tilt Poker's new commercials. They're pretty cool, and I hope you enjoy them.

That's it... I'm done for now.